What is it about?

The study focuses on the choice between exclusive and non-exclusive contracts and examines their impact on consumer surplus, social welfare, and airport profitability. The analysis considers the relationship between airports and airlines, the influence of regulated aeronautical charges, and the role of competition and airline alliances.

The findings highlight the positive effects of concession revenue sharing contracts on traffic, prices, and industry welfare, while also revealing potential conflicts of interest between airports and passengers. The paper provides valuable insights for policymakers and industry stakeholders in understanding the implications of different contract types and regulations in the aviation sector.

Why is it important?

This paper explores the effects of concession revenue sharing contracts on airports and airlines, providing valuable insights into the dynamics of their relationship. Understanding the implications of these contracts is crucial for industry stakeholders, as they have the potential to impact various aspects of the aviation sector.

One key reason why this research is important is that it sheds light on the profitability and welfare implications of different types of revenue sharing contracts. By analyzing the choice between exclusive and non-exclusive contracts, the study reveals the strategies that airports can employ to maximize their revenues and enhance passenger satisfaction. This knowledge is essential for airports in their decision-making processes regarding revenue sharing agreements.

Furthermore, the research examines the impact of airport competition and airline alliances on revenue sharing contracts. This analysis provides a deeper understanding of how these factors influence the dynamics between airports and airlines, and how they can affect the overall performance of the industry. Such insights are valuable for policymakers and industry regulators in formulating effective policies and regulations that promote healthy competition and optimal revenue sharing practices.

This study contributes to the existing literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and implications of concession revenue sharing contracts. It offers valuable insights into the strategic choices available to airports and the potential welfare effects on passengers and the industry as a whole. By understanding the dynamics of these contracts, stakeholders can make informed decisions that lead to improved profitability, passenger satisfaction, and overall industry performance.


As the author of the paper “Exclusivity in concession revenue sharing contracts,” I am personally excited about the findings and implications of this research. Conducting this study has allowed me to delve into the intricate relationship between airports and airlines, specifically focusing on the effects of revenue sharing contracts.

Throughout the research process, I have come to appreciate the significance of these contracts in shaping the dynamics of the aviation industry. The analysis has revealed that airports have a strong incentive to share their commercial revenues with airlines, leading to increased passenger traffic and improved social welfare. This finding highlights the mutually beneficial nature of the airport-airline relationship and emphasizes the importance of collaboration in driving industry growth.

Moreover, exploring the choice between exclusive and non-exclusive contracts has provided valuable insights into the strategic decision-making of airports. It is fascinating to observe how the level of per passenger net revenue from commercial services influences the preference for either contract type. This understanding empowers airports to make informed choices that align with their financial goals and passenger satisfaction objectives.

Additionally, investigating the impact of airport competition and airline alliances on revenue sharing contracts has broadened my perspective on the industry. It is intriguing to see how these external factors can shape the contractual arrangements between airports and airlines, ultimately influencing market dynamics and welfare outcomes.

This research has allowed me to contribute to the existing literature and provide a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and implications of concession revenue sharing contracts. I believe that the findings of this study will be valuable to industry stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers alike, fostering a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics within the aviation sector and paving the way for more informed decision-making in the future.

Adrián Nerja

This page is a summary of: Exclusivity in concession revenue sharing contracts, Journal of Air Transport Management, March 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2021.102158.
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URL: https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/id/eprint/119096

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